"Carefully choose the words you say, you may have to eat them later."

Check out Mike's favourite inspirational quotes below!
Read below about Mikes thoughts on happiness.

"With the value of money changing so rapidly how can one gain trust and confidence in the people who manipulate it."

"Before planting a seed, consider how big it will grow and who will take care of it until it dies, this goes especially true for fathering a child."

"To procrastinate is more than to delay, postpone or refrain, it’s a nagging reminder of what still needs to be done."

"To procrastinate is more than to delay, postpone or refrain, it’s a nagging reminder of what still needs to be done."

"Speed was once a detriment to quality, now it’s the fastest way to produce it."

"Sacrifice, hard work and time produce guilt, fatigue and old age."

"The idea of potential is so overwhelming we settle for being a great deal less."

"Treat others with love and respect not because of who they are, but because of who you are."

"On the path of life where it narrows for the passage of only one, be prepare to step aside only if it will not hurt you and the ones you love."

"You are only given opportunities, but continually choose to look at them as responsibilities and obligations."

"It is your chosen ATTITUDE,which defines and sets your ALTITUDE, LONGITUDE and LATITUDE of the experiences of your daily life."


My Thoughts

Let us share a little more of that martial arts humour, many of you seem to have enjoyed it.

In the 1980’s, the US feared Korea was exported dangerous weapons; they were sending black belts all over the world.

The value of a black belt is like most world currencies, it’s being devalued.

America has produced more black belts in the last forty years than Japan has produced in the past four hundred years. Who said America can’t compete with the Japanese in mass production?

"Peaceful Warrior" sounds like a contradiction in terminology, but in truth, it is one and the same.

A student once told me, he had to quit karate because his heart might give out. I told him he didn’t have to worry about that because his heart gave out when he decided to quit.

There are times when we, yes, myself included, take martial arts and ourselves way to seriously, so I started writing serious topics and making it a little lighter, relaxed, hopefully these will make you think and smile.

All Black Belts paid a price. Some paid with, blood, sweat and tears, energy and effort,others paid with cash or credit card.

In the beginning God created white belts; black belts were earned and deserved.

Finding martial arts Grand Masters are easy, look in the yellow pages.

There are over 40,000 martial arts schools in America, look out McDonalds.

There are so many Grand Masters we are running out of white belts students.

What’s the big deal about getting a black belt? everybody has one.

What is a "legitimate" black belt, judging by the quality, nobody knows?

This is a great day, laugh, smile enjoy, share.

I am sure many of you have heard or read the poem Desiderata, it has always been on of my favourites. Its simplicity, insights and wisdom are expressed flawlessly and effortless.

I have often desired to write my version of this poem and have spent the better part of three hours writing it this morning. I am anxious to share it with you all.


You were born of love and light, you are a part of all things on earth and the galaxies of the universe. It is your birthright and you deserve to exist as much as anyone.

Whether you are consciously aware of it or not, synchronicity is constantly and continuously being revealed.

Be at peace with yourself and whatever dreams and passion you create realise you may also experience frustration, disappointment and unhappiness, be vigilant in controlling your positive mental attitude.

Move calmly through your days amidst the stress and chaos of the daily affairs of life while being centred and balanced in your spirit.

As much as possible without conceding your integrity create a friendly and respectful attitude and behaviour toward others and all living creatures.

As you enjoy your achievements and accomplishments, continue to set goals and make plans. Create and maintain a passion in you chosen profession regardless of what others may think of its value or worth.

Be careful and cautious when dealing with others in both your personal and business affairs for there are people looking for the first opportunity to use and abuse your friendship for personal gain. But also realise there are many more people who possess honor and integrity and perform acts of compassion, bravery and heroism everywhere in life.

Express yourself honestly, clearly and completely while allowing others to share their truth, even boring and uneducated people have their story.

Be natural, take a deep breath, and relax.

Do not pretend to love, or have negative attitudes toward affection for in facing distrust and dishonesty it may simply be how others choose to live.

Be on guard to protect your imaginings, fear often festers there and can easily manifest fatigue and loneliness.

Cultivate the power of your will to protect and shield you from unexpected tragedy, hardships and loss.

Do not keep the company of arrogant and boisterous persons they are not in harmony with their spirit.

Avoid comparing yourself to others so as not to become conceded, envious or bitter. There will always be people with degrees of greater or lesser skills, abilities and talents than yours.

Create a wholesome way of living. Even as you are strong and resilient you are also fragile and vulnerable, be gentle but not fearful.

Maintain patience as you age, humbly and graciously allow your youth to give way to maturity and wisdom without surrendering you passion and excitement for living.

Regardless of whatever happens, failed goals, broken hearts, struggles and turmoil be conscious of the power you are.

Your greatest gifts, life and freewill have allowed you the opportunities to create a life of your choosing, in the next moment you possess the power to change your preference.

Be on guard refrain from interfering with another soul’s intent on life for you are not privy to what that soul desires to experience.

Be forever aware and mindful of your decisions, consequences are but natural outcomes, the effects of your choices.

This is how powerful you have always been. Act like it. Create love, peace, joy and happiness.


Most people assume there’s a mysterious how, To experience happiness in the now By living each moment you feel, A shift in vibration, making it real.

Happiness is not something you earn, It’s your birthright; it’s your turn. To be happy for no reason at all, You are the boss, it’s your call.

You deserve happiness because you exist, You have the right; just insist. By being happy in the moment, now! The universe will support you somehow.

Since cause and effect are the same event, It works any way turned twisted or bent. Create the effects first; then you’ll see, The causes rush in to fill the vacancy.

Happiness is a state you create Instantly; Now with no hesitate. You’ve learned to see things thru only one way, Which makes it difficult to change today.

Just imagine what a joy your life can be, To create happiness instantaneously, To smile and laugh so others may see Another way they can also choose to be.

So, if you’re not happy at this time, Just remember these words that rhyme, To be happy requires no mysterious how, The secret to happiness is living the NOW!

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